Inter Process Communication (IPC)

When working with threads, you might want to send data between the parent- and the child-process (e.g. to update data or return the result of an asynchronous workload).

In order to do so, the threads have a direct socket-connection which can be used to send messages with custom payloads.

Topic and Payload

The topic is intended to be used as description, intention or routing of the message. Beside the fact that it must be a string, the topic can be anything you like.

The payload on the other hand is intended to carry the actual data you want to transfer between the threads. Please beware that you can only send payloads that are serializable. Any kind of file-pointer or resource (e.g. database-connections) will NOT work!

You might also want to refer to the Common Pitfalls and Workarounds section if you run into trouble.

Basic Usage

use Sweikenb\Library\Pcntl\Api\ChildProcessInterface as ChildProcess;
use Sweikenb\Library\Pcntl\Api\ParentProcessInterface as ParentProcess;
use Sweikenb\Library\Pcntl\Factory\MessageFactory;
use Sweikenb\Library\Pcntl\ProcessManager;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$pm = new ProcessManager();
$factory = new MessageFactory();

$child = $pm->runProcess(
    function (ChildProcess $child, ParentProcess $parent) use ($factory) {
        $messageFromParent = $parent->getNextMessage();
                'hello parent',
                    'pid' => $child->getId(),
                    'lastMessage' => $messageFromParent->getTopic()

$child->sendMessage($factory->create('hello child', null));
$messageFromChild = $child->getNextMessage();


This will output something like this:

class Sweikenb\Library\Pcntl\Model\Ipc\MessageModel#14 (2) {
  private string $topic =>
  string(12) "hello parent"
  private mixed $payload =>
  array(2) {
    'pid' =>
    'lastMessage' =>
    string(11) "hello child"

Process finished with exit code 0